Defines the grid setting for a given screen.
ScreenName$ is the name of the screen whose grid is being set.
Colour% specifies the grid colour. This will usually appear in the form
&BBGGRR, where & indicates a hexadecimal value, and BB, GG, and RR indicate
2 digit hex values for the intensity of Blue, Green, and Red in the colour
- XSpacing and YSpacing indicate the horizontal and vertical spacing between
grid crosses and are specified in My World units (46080 units per inch).
- XSubDivision and YSubDivision indicate how the grid is sub-divided between
crosses.For example, a value of 2 means that a dot will be drawn midway
between grid crosses, sub-dividing that part of the grid into 2 parts.
- Flags% specifies the type of grid, and whether it is shown and/or locked.
If bits 0 and 1 are clear then the grid is rectangular. If bit 0 is set then
the grid is isometric. If bit 0 is clear and bit 1 is set then the grid is
magnetic. If bit 2 is set then the grid is shown in editor mode. If bit 3 is
set then the grid is locked in editor mode. If bit 4 is set then the grid is
shown in browser mode. If bit 5 is set then the grid is locked in browser
mode. If bit 6 is set then smooth dragging is turned on.
- MagSearch is the maximum manhattan distance (in My World units, 46080 per
inch) to snap magnetic points by.
Sets the given screen to be the home screen.
If the screen to be set is in the current My World file then only the
screen name is required.
- If the screen is in another file then the name should be in the form "FileName.myw#ScreenName".
- Also, if the file is not in the same directory as the current My World file then the path will need
to be specified (e.g. "C:\OtherScreens\OtherFile.myw#1", or "..\OtherDir\OtherFile.myw#menu")
Changes the window style of the given screen.
- ScreenName$ specifies which window to change the style of, and can be
"THIS" to indicate the screen containing the frame processing the current
- StyleName% is the name of the style to be changed, and NewValue% is its new
value with allowable values depending on the Style name.
Allowable values for StyleName% are:
- HASCLOSEICON%: If NewValue% is 0 then the window will have no close
ALWAYSONTOP%: If NewValue% is non-0 then the window will become an on-top
HASMENU%: If NewValue% is 0 then the window will have no menu.
HASCAPTION%: If NewValue% is 0 then the window will have no caption bar.
Note that removing the caption bar will also remove the close button.
HASSIZEBORDER%: If NewValue% is 0 then the window will have no sizing
border, meaning that its size cannot be changed by the user.
Plays a given .wav sound file.
WavFileName$ is the name of the file to be played.
- Count% should be the number of times to play the file, 0 meaning loop
forever. At the moment, the only allowable value is 1.
- Flag% specifies how to play the file, if the value is SYNC% then the file
will be played synchronously otherwise it will be played asynchronously.
Stops a given frame from playing.
- FrameName$ can be either "THIS", for the frame processing the current
event, or "POINTER" for the frame being dragged by the pointer. No other
values are currently allowed.
- This call will only have an effect if the resource in the frame is an
animation and it is currently playing.
Displays the text editing dialog box and initialises its' settings as
- Family$ is a prioritised comma separated list of either font names or
generic family names (sans-serif/serif/cursive/fantasy/monospace) e.g.
- Style$ is the font style and can be either "normal", "italic", or
- Weight$ is the font weight, and can be any one of the following: "normal",
"bold", "100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", or "900",
where "100" is very light and "900" is very bold.
- Size% is the font size in My World units (46080 per inch, or 640ths of a
- Colour% is the text colour. This will usually appear in the form &BBGGRR,
where & indicates a hexadecimal value, and BB, GG, and RR indicate 2 digit
hex values for the intensity of Blue, Green, and Red in the colour
- When the OK button has been pressed, a text frame will be attached to the
pointer, containing the text entered in the dialog box.
Displays the text editing dialog box. The dialog is initialised to whatever
settings and text are contained in the text frame being dragged by the
- When the OK button has been pressed, a text frame will be attached to the
pointer, containing the text entered in the dialog box.
- If CANCEL is pressed instead, the text frame being dragged by the pointer
will remain unchanged.
Zooms in or out on a given screen by the given X and Y scale factors.
- If Flag% is RELATIVE% then the scaling is relative to the current screen
scale, otherwise it is absolute.
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