Sets the position and size of a given screen.
- ScreenName$ is the name of the screen to be moved, and can be "THIS" to
indicate the screen containing the frame processing the current event.
- Left% and Top% are the screen coordinates of the top left of the window
client area, and Width% and Height% are its width and height in pixels. The
client area is that part of the window in which the screen is drawn, and
does not include common window items such as menus and caption bars.
If the supplied values would cause the window to be outside the screen
area, then they are adjusted appropriately.
Opens the given screen.
- If the screen is in a different file to the current one then all open My World windows are closed first.
Pauses the given frame.
- FrameName$ can be either "THIS", for the frame processing the current
event, or "POINTER" for the frame being dragged by the pointer. No other values are currently allowed.
- This call will only have an effect if the resource in the frame is an animation and it is currently playing.
Plays the given frame.
- FrameName$ can be either "THIS", for the frame processing the current
event, or "POINTER" for the frame being dragged by the pointer. No other
values are currently allowed.
Prints the given frame, and anything in it.
- FrameID% is the ID of the frame to be printed. This number is shown in the
caption bar of the Frame Properties dialog box for a particular frame.
- Scale is the size at which the frame should be printed. Allowable values
are: 0 (print as large as possible), or any number between 1 and 800
inclusive indicating the print scale as a percentage of full size (i.e. 50%
means print at half size, and 200% means print at twice original size).
- Show% indicates whether to display the Print dialog box or not. Setting
this to zero will prevent the dialog box from being displayed, any other
value will show it. Displaying the Print dialog box enables user to check
what their print out will be like and to adjust the size before either
printing it or cancelling the print.
Rotates a given frame by a given angle.
- FrameName$ indicates which frame to rotate. The only currently allowable
value is "POINTER" for the frame being dragged by the pointer.
Angle is the angle by which to rotate the frame in degrees. A positive
angle will rotate frames anti-clockwise, a negative value clockwise.
Runs another program or loads and runs the specified file in another program.
Enlarges or reduces a given frame by a given scale factor.
- FrameName$ indicates which frame to scale. The only currently allowable
value is "POINTER" for the frame being dragged by the pointer.
- XScale and YScale are the X and Y scale factors respectively.
Scrolls a given screen by a given amount.
- ScreenName$ should specify the name of a screen which is already open.
- XScroll and YScroll indicate the amount by which to scroll the window
horizontally and vertically respectively.
- Flag% indicates whether the scroll values are relative to the current
scroll position or are absolute values. Only use Absolute% or Relative% as
anything else will cause an absolute scroll.
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