Internet Links
All these sites contain interesting and useful eclipse information. Those more suitable for teachers are flagged with a T.
Met Office Eclipse Page latest weather - satellite and webcam images in real time T
Science Museum Eclipse Page
NASA Eclipse page scientific and technical T
Armagh Observatory Eclipse page Astronomy/space T
Sky and Telescope's Eclipse page
Student Eclipse Projects - Measuring the Lunar Distance
Eclipse links
Solar Eclipses
Sun Block 99 – Teachers' Tips and free printable Worksheets
Stanford University Solar site
Stanford University Solar site – activities page
European Eclipse map
Astronomy and Space Magazine
NASA Eclipse Bulletin
Satellite images of the earth during an eclipse
A useful phone number is Science Line - 0345 600 444
The Association for Science Education has primary and secondary activity packs for the 'Total Eclipse of the Sun'. They are highly recommended and provide ready made answers suitable for the vast majority of schools. They can be ordered through
Helston School in Cornwall is keen to make links with schools in North Yorkshire.
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