This site has been created in order to collect information from sufferers of atrial fibrillation. It is hoped that by gathering enough information
it may be possible to spot patterns or trends which may help to further the understanding of this illness.
A database has been provided in order to collect and interrogate the information. The database can be searched in many ways,
and can even be exported for private analysis in other software.
People wishing to remain anonymous are free to enter their details into the database without giving their name.
Email addresses entered into the database are not publicly visible, and will not be used for any purposes other than the administration of this database.
Please note that this is my first attempt at the database. Please feel free to email me at the address below with suggestions, comments, errors, spelling mistakes etc.
There is a support group at where you can ask questions about the database or anything related to AF. You will need to register with yahoo to use some of the features but the service is free. Click to subscribe to AFIBsupport
Statisitcs for the first 161 entries can be found on the statistics page.