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AFibbers Database: Brent Fidler


NameBrent Fidler
LocationHickory, NC
Diagnosed conditionLone Atrial Fibrillation
Years with condition17
Frequency of episodesapprox every 6 months
Duration of episodespermanent until electrocardioversion
Event preceding first AFnone
General healthExcellent health
Current stateSinus rhythm
TriggersAlcohol, very cold/frozen drinks, stress, extended anaerobic exercise
PreventionsMagnesium and Potassium supplements
Current medications/side effectsPropafenone 150 mg x 3 per day, Magnesium and Potassium supplements.
Past medications/side effectsCoumadin and Flecanide
History of surgeryMay 2005, Ablation surgery
Future plansPossible Pulmonary Vein Isolation if condition continues
Personal commentsThe first time I got AF was in 1991 when I was 22 years old. I had an electrocardioversion after coumadin therapy. I stayed in sinus rhythym until December 2001. Since then AF has returned at least every six months. I have had four electrocardioversions since then.

I am baffled. Although I do have a family history of deaths from heart attack, my heart has no signs of structural defects whatsoever.

I lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle. I am a triathlete, competitive water skier, and weight lifter with 7% body fat. I maintain healthy eating habits and never indulge in caffeine or tobacco. I do drink on average one alcoholic drink per day.

I have a very stressful job as President of a safety product manufacturing company. But that and possibly the little alcohol are the only things that I feel could be causing my AF.
Check list
crossacebutololcrossamiodarone (cordarone,pacerone)crossanisindione (miradon)
crossatenolol (tenormin)crossaspirincrossazimilide
crossbepridilcrossbetaxololcrossbisoprolol (monocor,emconcor)
crossdigoxin (lanoxin)crossdiltiazem (cardizem)crossdiphenylhydantoin
crossdisopyramide (norpace)crossdofetilide (tikosyn)crossdronedarone
crossencainidecrossesmolol (brevibloc)crossersentilide
crossflecainide (tambocor)crossgallopamilcrossibutilide (corvert)
crosslidocainecrossmibefradilcrossmetoprolol (lopressor,toprol xl)
crossphenytoincrossprocainamidetickpropafanone (rythmol)
crosspropranolol (inderal)crossquinapril (accupril)crossquinidine (quinaglute)
crosssotalol (betapace)crosstedisamilcrosstimolol
crosstocainidecrosstrandolapril (mavik)crossvalsartan (diovan)
crossverapamil (calan,isoptin)crosswarfarin (coumadin)crossasthma
crossdiabetescrossGERD/acid refluxcrosshypertension
crossatrial fluttercrosscardiomyopathycrossCHF
crossheart blockcrossmyocardial infarctioncrossrheumatic heart diease
crosssick sinus syndromecrossstrokecrossWPW
tickelectrical cardioversioncrossdefibrillatorcrosspacemaker

Statistics for the first 161 entries.


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